Saturday 24 September 2016

LO1: Level Synopsis

I have decided to create the tutorial mission for my game. This tutorial will go over the basic controls and mechanics of the game and give the player a decent introduction to the game. The level will start with the player in a small, blank room where they will be introduced to the basic movement and camera controls. They will be allowed to move around freely for a brief period of time before being told to proceed to the next area. When they are ready they can walk up to a door and open it to get to the next room. In this room there will be a broken bridge that they will have to jump across to get to the final room. This is to introduce the player to the final movement mechanic in the game. In the final room there will be a weapon that the player can pickup, most likely a sword, and a training dummy for them to attack. The tutorial will then take the player through the basic attacking mechanics of the game and allow them to practice om the training dummy. There will be a door in the final room that the player can use to end the tutorial. This, in the full game, would take the player to the main menu, but for what I am going to make it will simply end the program.

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